Sunday, February 8, 2015

5 16 2012 The 5 Bite Diet Day 2

Good day. My Spirits are great. My Energy levels are good.

OK day 2 in progress and feeling great. I have a really good feeling about this, and I will try not to get too ahead of myself. Now if I can just stay healthy during this period things should progress the way it should without outside interference. HA!!!

I just hate obsessing about food. I love to eat. I love the taste of food, the textures, and the smell. I want to think of food as just fuel, but I can’t. How can I when I a somewhat an armature cook/chef or food artesian.  Food in my hands is like clay to a sculptor. It’s like canvas to a painter. You get the message.

So that is how it is with me. I don’t regret it one bit other than I have handled or mishandled my food intake for way too long. Choices………….. we all must make choices. Which one is right? Which one is wrong? How do we know? For me I have to experiment. Yes that nasty word that begins with an “E”. Yes, I have fallen on my face at times ………….. OK many times.

That being said I have also have had some success. There were some “doubters” and some “haters” that thought I would fail. They thought I was crazy. Crazy? Hmm ……… I need to think about that one, crazy huh …………. Or do I? HA!!! Anyway I can look them in the face and say guess “WHO” is not at 280 lbs anymore? Yet, they still criticize me on how I have lost the weight. Go figure.

Dave what’s all this jibber jabber? Get on with the results, will ya? Sure why not.

Results thus far:

Day 1 = (0.0) = 00.0             current weight: 190 lbs (just starting)
Day 2 = (2.0) = 02.0 lbs loss current weight: 188 lbs (nice)

Great start, yes? Maybe. Yall all know those first few pounds I usually credit to water weight. So the loss is defiantly good if not great, but I will see where I am at on......... lets say Day 7 or 8 and then my Friends and Family, then we will see what we will see. Ya see? HA!!!

I will make an effort to keep my homemade update chart as "even" as possible. I may have to add a zero here and there to balance it out, but it should be easy to read and reflect what is really happening . So how low can I go? Lets find out together.

I always appreciate encouragement and support. I will work on issues with folks having trouble joining the blog. Just continue to email me as you have in the past. The email for this blog is the same as the other blog. That never changes no matter how many blogs I open or close. I still have a lot of small details to workout. I will get there soon I hope.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Off to a good start. Time to be positive and focused at the task at hand.

Todays Menu: Black coffee, H20, Seltzer Water, Andouille Sausage and Supreme Pizza.

Just Chillin



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