Saturday, February 21, 2015

8 4 2012 Update Coming Down the Pipe

Greetings all. My Spirits are soaring and my Energy is good.

What next? Is there a next? Does there have to be a next? Do you have to keep repeating the word "next" so many times?  OK, we dont have to be rude! HA!!!

What "next" indeed! If I did not know better I would think "Cyber Mom" is poking fun at me. I know it cant be those "voices" again. Or is it?

Back to business or should I say fun. OK then, what is next for the future? Yes, I said future. With me you never know. One minute I ready to "Sign Off" for good, the next I am creating a new blog knee deep in an experiment. Go figure.

Right, anyway I am really working hard in my oh so little spare time on a new... new... oh, I dont know what to call it. I guess an idea or ..... again I dont know what to call it. It wont be anything fast, but it wont be forever. It will take a lot of work and at present time is not what I have a lot of unfortunately.

That being said this is sometime that I feel I need. Something that will help me put things in prospective. It will be something that will help me achieve good if not great health. I hope. Most of all I dont mind sharing it with you my Friends and Family. It is just who I am. How much will it cost you?

Hmm...... let me see. How much is it worth? A lot to some, nothing to others I guess. OK, the price: PATIENCE.

Hey the support I get from those who are willing to share are payment enough. Not everyone shares on the blog though. Many share through email. I really wish they would share "anonymously" online so all can benefit from their input. Even if it is just a question. You will be surprised how that helps others. And "others" is one of the big reason I continue this blog or blogs or whatever. Hey I am not trying to pressure anyone to go public. HA! Continue to do what makes you feel comfortable. The choice is always yours.

Again, I am working on something that will put together what I have been working on for the last two years and to a degree things I have been working on my whole adult life. Will it be all diet? No. Diet is oh so important, but life has a balance.

Yes, my Friends and Family a Balance Indeed! What is my version of balance you may wonder? Well I kinda lead on to it in some of my responses in my comments to my dear Friends and Family that took time out to respond to my latest posts.

Riddle me this: Diet, Food, Exercise, and Spirituality.

Did I leave something out? Probably. I do feel that I did, but at the moment I cant think of it.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. No Surrender, No Retreat and Battle On!!!

I See the Light



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