Saturday, February 14, 2015

Who is better at dieting men or women The answer may surprise you

Men are better at dieting than women, a study has revealed.
Researchers have found the age-old stereotype of women being the ones to leap on the latest diet bandwagon and watch their figure is dead and buried.
The role reversal emerged following a study carried out among 1,850 adults which showed men lose weight faster and find it easier to keep off.
It also emerged men seem to have more willpower than women when it comes to fighting the battle of the bulge.
A large percentage of men even went as far as to declare that dieting is ‘easy’.
The extent to which men are breaking down barriers of the once female dominated world of dieting was revealed after researchers asked respondents a host of questions about their last or current health-kick.
Experts grilled the panel on the frequency and length of their diets, their chosen method of weight-loss and the end result.


The stats showed men are better at losing weight over both long and short timescales.
And it also revealed if men do start putting a few pounds back on after reaching their target weight, they do so more slowly.
Combining exercise with a healthy diet was by far and away the favourite diet method of men (28 per cent) while the second most popular choice was walking more (23 per cent). Cutting out fat was third (20 per cent).
However men and women were both as reluctant to give up booze in a bid to lose weight with a mere 13 per cent prepared to give up alcohol.
And more women than men are eating their five a day in a bid to beat the bulge - 15 per cent compared to 9 per cent.
A spokesman for Marks and Spencer, which carried out the research in conjunction with the launch of their New Year diet ranges, said: “We know that January is the month most people start their new year’s resolution to lose some weight.
“In some cases those New Year resolutions start to wane and fall by the wayside after a few weeks as people begin to crave their favourite treats - takeaways, burgers and chocolate desserts, but we’ve come up with a solution to overcome that.
“Historically it has been women who have been the most vocal in their bid to lose weight, with the M&S Count on Us range proving popular, however in recent years, we have seen a shift in consumer habits, with more men expressing their desire to shift the pounds, and keep them off, through healthier eating.
“Our Balanced For You range has been created with men and women’s cravings in mind. Featuring all the delicious ‘dude food’ favourites such as burgers and pizza, that people crave on a diet but with the right balance of carbs and protein so they can eat their favourite foods and still lose weight.”
But the survey revealed that a plus point for women was that they tend to set more realistic weight-loss targets but they did admit they often lack the willpower to stick to their planned diet schedule.
Women were also more likely to combine exercise with a healthy diet than men, with almost four in ten revealing this as their chosen weight-loss method.
It also emerged a larger percentage of women than men were happy to ditch carbohydrates in a bid to shed the pounds.

Slightly more women than men said they made an effort to walk more regularly whilst dieting.

The study also looked at how the different sexes judge their weight-loss.
While women can frequently be found reaching for dresses which they have previously struggled to get in to, men will be stepping onto the bathroom scales.
Around one in three of the men who took part said they were happy to diet, but didn’t go as far as to measure their weight-loss, preferring instead to gauge their success by notches on their belts.
Another interesting detail to emerge was the fact that the average man and women who want to keep trim, diet on average ONCE a year.
And the figures also revealed women are more likely than men to start a diet in January after over-doing it during the festive period.
The spokesman added: ‘We were surprised to see that men were becoming just as vocal as women in the fight against fat. However it shows that there is a demand for diet food that suits male tastes, as well as the more traditional low calorie options.’
By Adam Gillham

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