Friday, February 13, 2015

A Simple Raw Seasonal Dessert Serve Alone Or With Raw Or Baked Vegan Cookies

Sometimes Simple is Enough
When I was a child, many 4 hour Italian Sunday dinners were ended with a simple combination of fruit and nuts. Occasionally there was also plate of pignoli cookies or some pastry, but the fruit and nuts always appeared. Its a wonderful tradition and Im afraid it got lost over the years so today while in the market, I loaded up on beautiful Satsuma oranges, Medjool dates and an assortment of un-shelled nuts. I just wanted to take the opportunity to remind you that a very simple presentation of seasonal fruit and nuts can be a very satisfying way to end a meal.

Satsuma Oranges
Winter is the peak season for this lovely citrus fruit. Satsumas are sweet and have thick skin that practically falls off unlike some tangerines that are so difficult to peel. You can buy them with a few leaves still attached which adds to their artistic presentation.

Nuts in their Shell
There are several reasons that I like nuts in their shell. First, they are raw - not roasted, not blanched, not baked - just raw with their essential fatty acids intact. You can also keep nuts in their shells at room temperature for up to a year if stored in a cool, dry place. The sooner you eat them, however, the better since the oils in nuts can go rancid. Eating nuts with shells also protects you from eating too many. Nuts are very high in calories and even though they are very good for your heart, they arent always good for your waistline. The process of cracking and shelling the nuts certainly slows you down giving your body time for it to remind itself that it is full! Today I bought a combination of Brazil nuts, Pecans, Walnuts and Hazelnuts.

On Special Occasions, Serve with Cookies
If you would like to add some healthy cookies to this dessert presentation after a special meal, try Raw Vegan Chocolate Almond Macaroons, Raw Vegan Texas Pecan Pralines, Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts and Cranberries or Vegan Crystallized Ginger Cookies.

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