Friday, February 13, 2015

Running For Weight Loss How to increase endurance

Bitten by the running bug? According to Matt Crowe, Managing Director of Sydney’s Odyssey Health Club & Spa, clocking a new ‘P.B.’ every time you hit the track isn’t putting your best foot forward. A qualified running coach, personal trainer and dedicated marathon enthusiast, here’s Crowe’s Top 10 Tips for improving endurance.

1. Running technique and economy

“The first thing every casual runner should do when they want to start running longer or [training] for a race is get a run analysis,” says Crowe. “See a running coach, running specialist physiotherapist or specialist podiatrist.”

2. The right running shoes

As well as technical advice, a run analysis includes ensuring you’re in the correct shoes, Crowe explains. “Dont wear race flats for long miles unless you have built up to minimalist [barefoot] running over years.”

3. Injury prevention

Progressing slowly is the key.
Crowe adds, “Increasing running endurance is very much about injury prevention as the miles on your feet increase.” 

4. Slow adaption

According to this Marathon Man, there’s wisdom in taking two steps forward, one step back:
“Increase your long run by 10 per cent each week for 2 weeks and every third week, drop it back to a base level,” he says. “So, if you run 10 km now, do 11 km in week 1, 12 km in week 2 and back to 10 km in week 3.”

5. Add a weights and cardio circuit

Crowe advises one a week, explaining, “If you can strengthen the whole body, in particular your core and glutes, you’ll improve your strength and general fitness, which translates to better economy and holding form when you fatigue.”

6. Recovery eating

What you eat immediately after exercise is key; there’s a critical half-hour optimal window to refuel your body.
 “Eat a simple carb and protein mix meal within 30 minutes,” Crowe stresses. “My favourite is a banana and berry smoothie with milk and yoghurt.”

7. Patience

“Enjoy the journey. If you do too much too soon, you will most likely get injured. Allow time for the body to adapt,” says Crowe.

8. One increase at a time

“Don’t dramatically increase the speed of your interval training reps and also run your longest run on the same week,” Crowe advises.

9. Vary your running surface

Improving endurance always returns to injury prevention. To minimise impact, Crowe says, “Try to run about half of your long run on grass, trail or tracks if possible.” 

10. Run to the power of three

Crowe advises a three-pronged combination of long, interval and tempo (or ‘steady pace’ – ideally about 10-20 seconds slower per km than your 10-km race pace) runs each week, being careful to control yourself. He stresses, “Long runs must be considerably slower than your potential speed.”

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