Sunday, February 15, 2015

2014 The 5 Bite Diet Day 18

Today I jest rested for the most part. I did get up and around to do some chores around the house. I also cooked some chicken wings and pork ribs. It was real easy. I just seasoned them and slow cooked them in the oven for several hours. They came out with lots of flavor and were very tender. At this time I will continue the diet and see where it takes me. My long term plan is to continue eating zero carb after all is said and done. I guess for me, the only problem I have is being tired more than before the diet. I do have a better outlook on eating and can appreciate portion control, which was my main focus of the diet besides weight loss. Another aspect of it was to get me back on zero carb. If I can at least go 30 days on this diet I will feel that I achieved something. I know it is just a number, but if I can stay zero carb that long I feel that I will have a chance to remain on it for the long haul. Almost 6 pounds down the slow way like most say is the right way. I have so much fat reserves that I am not concerned about the intake of food right now. I drink lots of water to keep me hydrated which is much more important than food. A person can last a long time with little to no food, but water deprivation can be fatal in as little as 3 days. I know that time can vary from person to person and environment. Thats it for now.

 250/   244.2  /180

Day 01 250.0 lbs    Day 15 245.6 lbs
Day 02 249.0 lbs    Day 16 245.2 lbs
Day 03 248.8 lbs    Day 17 244.8 lbs
Day 04 248.2 lbs    Day 18 244.2 lbs
Day 05 248.0 lbs
Day 06 247.6 lbs
Day 07 247.0 lbs
Day 08 246.8 lbs
Day 09 246.4 lbs
Day 10 246.2 lbs
Day 11 246.0 lbs
Day 12 246.0 lbs
Day 13 245.8 lbs
Day 14 245.6 lbs

B black coffee & water
L 3 oz bacon and egg
D 3 oz chicken wing and pork rib

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