Thursday, February 12, 2015

Running For Weight Loss 10 tips to get you up and running in the morning

Exercising early is beneficial, but if you’re not a morning person, motivation can prove elusive. We asked Matt Crowe, Managing Director of Sydney’s Odyssey Health Club & Spa and a qualified running coach, personal trainer and dedicated marathon enthusiast, for his top 10 tips to get you running soon after you rise.

The 5-minute rule
Whenever you feel reluctant or tired, make a deal with yourself: just do 5 minutes.
“If I don’t feel better [after 5 minutes], I will just walk or go home,” he says.
Chances are you’ll keep going, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t – there’s always tomorrow. 

Find a buddy or join a running group
“You’ll find a million excuses if it’s just you,” warns Crowe.
Lifelong friendships are born and romance sometimes blossoms in these groups, so the impact can be life changing as well as fitness enhancing.

Have a goal or race in mind
“You need a reason to get up every day,” says Crowe. 
Fun runs are great and happen regularly all around Australia and the world.

Follow a program
“This is so beneficial because it’s your blueprint to success,” explains Crowe.
Sometimes just having a plan in place is enough to get you going, because you can see what you need to do on any given day. 

No surprises here. 
“You do need sufficient rest,” says Crowe. “7.5 hours a night is about optimal.”

Moderate alcohol
“No alcohol? Well, I’m not so big on that one,” admits Crowe. 
He suggests no more than two drinks the night before is fine for running the next day, before adding,  “That said, the bigger the night you’ve had, the sooner I want to get you out running.”

Raise money for charity
Committing to fundraising fitness groups like Can Too can be great motivation: it’s bigger than you now; you’re running for a cause.
Says Crowe, “I fully endorse these running groups because [they] get people out there doing it – often people who might not otherwise.”

Embrace variety
Go away for running weekends and regularly change your running route from home; variety is critical for maintaining interest for most people.
“We try and mix it up and rarely do the same run twice, because people get bored,” agrees Crowe. 
Explore the trail networks nearest where you live – you might be surprised.

Play music
If you’re struggling, try putting your headphones on at home – just hearing your favourite running beats will help get you out the door.

Treat yourself
“It’s important to have reward mechanisms,” agrees Crowe. “Say, ‘If I can do all these runs in 6 weeks, I’ll...’” 
If 6 weeks is your idea of eternity, dangle smaller carrots along the way.

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