Monday, February 9, 2015

Why I Decided To Do This

Today I began Day 1 of the fast-track meal plan to slim down QUICK.  I am not a promoter of the book, I am just a 24 year-old girl who desperately cant wait to wear a bikini and feel beautiful jumping off a boat into the middle of the blue summer ocean.  Also, my cousins wedding is happening on April 26th in California and I would really like to wear a dress (I havent worn a dress without sleeves since prom).  I am very active (I work out 4-6 times a week), but still considered overweight and dont binge eat, so I thought I would give this a shot and find out if it works.

So what is the Super Shred Diet?  According to USA Today: 

In Super Shred: The Big Results Diet, Ian Smith outlines a short-term, rapid weight-loss plan that he says can result in losing 20 pounds in four weeks. He has dieters follow a specific four-week eating plan, including some days where the calorie count is about 1,600, and other days where it is 900. (The average caloric intake for women is about 1,800 a day; for men, 2,500, according to government statistics). Smiths plan includes specific grocery lists and meal plans. He recommends doing about 40 minutes or more of high-intensity interval aerobic exercise a day.
It is very strict - you must eat at specific times and have specific foods with specific amounts of calories.  Any minor slip up and you will have to repeat that day over again.  I am determined to win - to be on point the entire four weeks, and to discipline myself.

The entire point of doing this is not only to lose weight, but to relearn discipline and change and challenge my body.  I realized today that the entire days meal plan amounts to how much I eat in one or two sittings.  This 4 weeks will be a long lesson in portion control and strong mental will power.

So here are my Stats:
Age: 24 years old
Sex: Female
Weight: 171
Height: 56
BMI: 27%
Body Fat: 30%
Medical History: Hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid Disease), Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis

Low thyroids are contributed to weight gain and difficulty in losing weight, so I want to see how this works in combination with the diet.  I am given medicine to regulate my disease.

On to todays meals.

Woke up- 11am
Meal 1- 11:30; 2 egg whites and a half cup of cantaloupe.
Snack 1 - 1pm; half cup of cherry tomatos
Snack 2- 2:30; Fiber one 90 calorie lemon bar [book suggested blueberries w a tsp of whipped cream or a 100 calorie snack)
Meal 2- 3:30; vanilla protein shake at 200 calories
Meal 3- 6:30; 4 cups of garden salad with carrots
8pm- 45 minutes of cardio
Meal 4 -9:30; 5oz of salmon (the size of a deck of cards) and 2 servings spinach

Around Meal 2 I began to get a bit dizzy.  My body isnt adjusted to the decrease yet.  After some water and time, the dizziness passed.  The Fiber One bar was great because it had a soft and crunchy texture and a bit of sugar.  I can tell texture is going to be a big deal over the next four weeks; with less food going in my mouth, its the little things about each bite that will matter.

Let me know if you are doing this diet too and your thoughts, questions, and advice!  

Looking forward to our transformations!  Pictures and measurements to come.

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