Monday, February 9, 2015

5 15 2012 The 5 Bite Diet Day 1

Greetings Friends and Family. My Spirits are in orbit. My Energy levels are very good.

So today is the first day to start my next 5 bite diet challenge. 30 days? Well I am not sure. I have a feeling it will be a bit longer. I dont plan to stop until I reach............... until I reach............. I just dont know.

According to the BMI chart I could go down as low as 122 lbs. That would put me at an optimum of a BMI of 18.5. The good Doc recommends that you get as close to possible to that margin to achieve better health. I will do my own research in that area for supporting documents.

Dave at 122 lbs? I have a hard time imagining that. I really do. Dave in the 150s or maybe the 140s. Not so much a problem. I really dont know. What I do know is that I am very much overweight and I need to get to the next stage in my life. I want to get there by the age of 50 which is not far away at all.

As far as the 5 Bite Diet goes: Well in my uneducated opinion I agree with it, but not 100%. I still do think that it makes a difference on the quality of food that you consume. So again in my little uneducated opinion I feel that grass fed beef is of a higher quality than hormone infested meat and so on. What do I eat. I eat what I can afford. Right now I am at the mercy of the regular old grocery store. That is for now. My sisters have been talking with me about buying a whole grass fed calf and dividing it equally between us. That might just make the difference. Hey it is a start. When? No time soon. Yet there is hope.

Look-It: I dont go blind into anything if I can help it. I look, learn, listen and try to make reason of things. I have an open mind and I will exercise it and try to make sense of what is happening around me. I will try this venture and see what happens.

I did not do as well on my little week of maintenance. I gained 5 lbs which puts my at at starting weight or approximately 190 lbs. I way overate at a birthday party on Saturday and did not do myself any favors on Sunday either. I was not hungry at all. I just overate. No excuses. I will always report the truth no matter how embarrassing it is. If I dont then why waste the time. Yours and mine. I can huddle up with a box of Ding Dongs, a Family size bag of Doritos and wash it all down with some Dr. Pepper. Yum or is that YIKES to the third degree!!!

So how will I format this? I did not like the way I did it before because it was so misaligned. That being said I will stick to that format until I find something better.

Results thus far:

Day 1 = (00.0) = 00.0 Loss or Gain Current Weight: 190 lbs

Ohhhh, Ahhhh and all that JAZZ!!! No surprises here. Heck its day one duh! OK then, now for the menu and other information. Well I will keep that to the end of the post as before.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. I have laid a path before me. Lets see where it leads.

Todays Menu: Black coffee, H20, Seltzer Water, Andouille Sausage and a Pork Steamed Bun.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road



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