Monday, February 9, 2015

Lose Weight with 8 easy tips Useful Article

New research shows that making tiny changes to your eating habits can help you lose major weight. So we asked nutritionist Tamara Duker-Freeman, R.D., to share her top tips for shedding extra pounds...without really dieting. - By Natasha Burton 

Dont Drink Your Calories 

Calories from wine, mocha lattes, and soda dont register with your brains satiety center in the same way that solid food does, so we tend to eat just as much no matter how many caloric beverages weve consumed. But if you cant part with your lattes (we know you dont want to part with your wine), be sure to order them without syrups, flavorings, and whipped cream. .

Use Kefir

If youre trying a recipe that calls for heavy cream or buttermilk, replace these items with low fat, plain kefir. This drinkable, thick yogurt can take the place of the calorie-laden ingredients often needed for making soups and baked goods—and typically only has 90 calories per cup.

Eat Veggies First

According to research, people eat the most of whichever food on their plate they start with. So fill up on the least caloric meal component of your plate first, which typically means eating your veggies, then protein, then carbs.

Swap Pasta for Squash

Try replacing half (or more) of the pasta in your bowl with spaghetti squash "noodles." One meager cup of cooked spaghetti has about 240 calories, while one cup of cooked spaghetti squash has about 40. No brainer! 

Eat Sandwiches Open-Faced

Forgoing one piece of bread can save you a minimum of 80 calories per sandwich—and often a lot more. Also, use mustard instead of mayo, which will save you about 90 calories per tablespoon.

Sweeten Yogurt Yourself

Rather than buying flavored yogurt, which is usually pre-sweetened with a ton of sugar, buy plain yogurt and sweetening it yourself. Use a squeeze of pureed fruit (those baby food pouches work great), a handful of fresh fruit, or a teaspoon of honey.

Dont Dress Your Salad

Dip your fork in your salad dressing, rather than dumping dressing on your salad. Why? You use less, and just a tablespoon of regular dressing can have over 100 calories.

Curb Salt Cravings with Pickles

If you crave crunchy, salty snacks, keep pickles in the fridge instead of chips or pretzels in the pantry. At about four calories per spear, pickles are essentially a "free food." (Though, if youre especially salt-sensitive, limit your portions to avoid puffy eyes—and a bloated stomach—the next morning.)

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