Tuesday, February 10, 2015

8 27 2012 Supplemental A Call to Arms

Good day all, my Spirits and Energy levels are great.

So here we are or should I say ........... Anyhow, I had a heck of a weekend try to salvage a BBQ pit. Yes in Texas the BBQ pit plays a major role in our daily lives. HA!!! Back in 2008 I had the brilliant idea to buy a gas grill. I never owned one before that. I have always cooked on a gook old fashioned coal/wood grill. Let me tell you good folks: coal/wood is the way to go. There is no comparison to the flavor of the meat. I have to use a smoke box just to get close to it.

So that being said I decided this weekend to refurbish it instead of throwing it away. I took it apart and realized that I should have thrown it away. The bottom was rusted out with a few holes in it. I was up to my elbows in grease, rust and jeez who knows. If I had not ordered some replacement parts that are still in transit, I would toss it. Right now new grills are going about half price............ Well to tell you the truth this will be my last gas grill. I plan on making my own coal/wood BBQ/Smoker in the not too distant future. We can grill almost year round in these parts. I just got my "cast iron burner" that will last a lifetime to replace the cheap stamped steel burner that does not hold up in the humidity and just rusts and falls apart.

OK, so much for that. What is on the horizon? What indeed!!! I am currently working on a "Secret Program" that I will introduce shortly............not!!! Right, actually I am working on something, something interesting to me, something that will help put together my future endeavors concerning my overall health and well-being. I will include that information on the new blog. It is no big new way of doing things. It is just how I am going to organize the way I plan to live the rest of my life........ hey that is big!!! At least to me it is.

Food, food, food and more food. Why all the fuss? Is there more to life than just food? Yes, of course there is, yet it plays a major role. How so you may ask. How so indeed!!! IMO I feel that food can shape a lot of things such as our health, the way we think, our mood and............ well how can I put this? It can tell us a lot about the person who eats it.

WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DAVE!!!!! Did you dive into a box of doughnuts this morning and are in total shock????

No and no. What I mean is ........... OK I will be blunt: food choices can tell us about the person in a way that we can see.......can see .... can see.............. Come on guys and gals  someone out there help me. OK, I am lost in thought...............

On to something else, but that will have to wait until next time. Hey I am trying my best at this time to keep on posting while engulfed with things that would make most "hang it up". No worries my Friends and Family I am here to stay and I will try to continue push forward with exploration and experimentation on things that I deem will help me achieve good if not great health. I will continue to share and enjoy feedback from those who wish to provide it.

Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Keep striving for the Best, put your worries behind you, think positive and make it happen. The choice is yours. It always has been and always will. Battle On!!!

No Surrender, No Retreat



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