Monday, February 9, 2015

11 2 2012 Tis the Season of Challenges or NOT

Greetings Friends, my Spirits and Energy levels are good.

Once again it looks like time has just slipped by. I can honestly tell you that I have been knee deep in personal endeavors that are privy to a few. Some things just have to stay private or to those who I communicate on a regular basis via email or phone. That being said I see a nice stretch of time coming for most of December and January. I will post pretty regular during that time, then back to the dungeon. HA!!!! At lest for a little while.

I appreciate all the great emails and some calls that I have received  The support is always appreciated and I understand that it is a two way street. Some of you folks have been with me for sometime and it is nice knowing that folks from all over the world bother to come to this little spec in cyber space to share or just read. Thank you very much indeed!!!

Tis the season my Friends and Family. The season of what you may ask. So what is Dave cooking up now with that odd shaped brain of his? OK, who said that??? Wow its been oh so long since I post and this is the ...................

Look-it Friends and Family: we are heading to a time really soon from now, a time that most of us will have the privilege to spend with close Friends and Family. Here we celebrate Thanksgiving this month and Christmas next month. So, what is all the fuss about........... what indeed!!!

A lot of us (oh yes me too) struggle during times like the ones coming up let alone the other numerous celebrations like birthdays, weddings, and such. So lets look at these times as a time to renew our resolve, a time to renew our commitment to a WOE and or a way of LIFE. Hey this message is for all, but my Friends and Family that follow Zero Carb know what I mean. Yes we are the odd-balls, the outcast the, the............ whatever!

So what to do in case of an emergency concerning our way of eating? What else? Eat a nice juicy Rib eye rare to medium rare for me thank you very much or whatever protein that you fancy. Yes, that simple that easy you will see! Wow that sounds a bit familiar or does it?

It can be hard I know, but what in the world are we here for if we are not will to take control of our lives and take responsibility for our actions? I chose to make my life worth living as healthy as I can possible do. I refuse to give in, I refuse to give up. I am not going to put upon myself needless disease that could be avoided through proper diet and yes my Friends and Family EXERCISE.

OH NO: DIET and EXERCISE!!! Well those who have read here and mostly on my Zero Carb Blog know what I mean by that: Diet: ZERO CARB, EXERCISE: something to get the juices flowing: ANYTHING. BTW dont forget that the 5 Bite Diet is a great tool to lose stubborn weight and a nice way to break a plateau.

Hey the food will work to make the insides running well and the exercise will help keep the outside looking and feeling well. OK actually they will both work on the inside and outside if you really think about it.

Time to go back into isolation my Friends and Family........... well at least for a little while. I will always answer comments, emails and return missed calls. Have a Healthy Day my Friends and Family. Into the Abyss we go, nothing to depend on but Ourselves.......... Live Long, Stay Strong and Always, Always Battle On!!!

"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same." -  Carlos Castaneda

Strength Poster



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